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Youthful Face Ritual – Anti-Aging Facial Ritual

Give your cells a boost of freshness.

How does the treatment work?

This cellular renewal treatment combines 4 anti-aging technologies: mesotherapy, microneedling, an energetic massage inspired by Kobido and light therapy.

Mesotherapy is a natural and non-surgical method that consists of penetrating the skin with a combination of nutrients and moisturizing agents via microperforations made with needles.

The natural nutrients ensure smoother skin, reduced wrinkles and irregularities.

Microneedling will stimulate the skin’s natural self-healing process and the production of collagen and elastin. The Dermapen, a tool used during the treatment, consists of 20 tiny needles that penetrate the epidermis and dermis at various depths. Thus,”micro-cuts”, invisible to the naked eye, will allow the mesotherapy to penetrate deeply and act quickly.

The energetic massage inspired by Kobido alternates energy stimulation, anti-wrinkle and lifting techniques, as well as an energetic massage of the meridians. This complete treatment stimulates the entire energy circulation of the face.

Light therapy stimulates the metabolic activity of the cells in the dermis (more specifically the fibroblasts) and promotes the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which also has an overall anti-aging effect.

For whom is the treatment indicated?

Mesotherapy is suitable for all ages and skin types.

The choice of active ingredients for mesotherapy will be selected according to the specific needs of your skin by a diagnosis made at the initiation of the treatment.

What part of the body can be treated?

Face and neck

What results can be expected after a session?

Dead cells that obstruct the epidermis are eliminated and the production of collagen in the skin is activated.
The skin is firm, radiant and free of irregularities.

How does the session work?

The treatment consists of 6 steps:

Step 1 – Skin preparation: a deep cleansing to remove hydrolipidic films is performed to facilitate the penetration of the active ingredients of your treatment.

Step 2 – Revitalization by mesotherapy: microperforations will be made with the Dermapen, a medical microneedling device.  The microperforations allow the chosen formula of active ingredients to penetrate the skin, while stimulating the formation of collagen.

Step 3 – Relax with a “crystal fiber” mask: in order to alleviate the heat as quickly as possible, and to bring comfort to your treatment, a latest generation crystal fiber mask is applied. This is a 100% natural material for medical use made of 3D nanofibers, designed to promote the cell renewal process and improve the permeability and efficiency of the transport of active ingredients.

Step 4 – Biophotomodulation by LED: the application of a cold light that enhances the deep hydration of the mask and its active ingredients and stimulates the metabolic activity of the dermal cells (especially the fibroblasts) with its red light.

Step 5 – Moisturizing and intense muscular relaxation thanks to Kobido techniques: the therapist will massage the face, neck and neckline with a personalized active ingredient according to the needs of your skin, using targeted movements to activate blood circulation and act on the first signs of aging while providing relaxation.

Step 6 – Ultimate protection: To finalize your treatment, the treatment ends with the application of our SPF 130+ sun cream, a formula that combines the highest sun protection with specific anti-aging actives, such as azeloglycin, which prevents the appearance of spots by regulating the activation of the tyrosinase enzyme, responsible for melanin production. If you are exposed to the sun on the same day, it is imperative to renew this protection during the day.


  • Indication

    Revitalization and skin stimulation
    Prevention of photoaging

  • Technique

  • Duration

    60 minutes

  • Result

    Smoothed facial features
    Firm and radiant skin

  • Price

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Maison Tóā
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Noémie SecolaNoémie Secola
17:02 30 Mar 22
Je ne peux que vivement recommander la doctoresse Nordback et la doctoresse Miles pour leurs compétences dans leurs domaines. J’ai eu à faire à plusieurs médecins dans la région et aucun ne m’ont apporté les réponses dont je ne cherchais, ni les soins dont j’avais besoin. Je suis très contente des traitements que j’ai fait chez Maison Toa !
Olivier AnçayOlivier Ançay
21:02 29 Mar 22
La doctoresse Miles inspire confiance. Elle se montre d’excellent conseil et très impliquée dans son travail. La clinique est magnifique, facile d’accès et il y règne une grande quiétude.
Ludovina CardosoLudovina Cardoso
20:19 29 Mar 22
Je suis allé voir la doctoresse Alexandra Miles pour des taches au visage, surtout une qui était très grande, j’ai fais une séance de laser et c’est partie.Je suis absolument enchanté et je recommande la doctoresse Miles!!
Jessica EmbarekJessica Embarek
14:25 18 Mar 22
La Dre Alexandra Miles est très professionnelle et à l’écoute.Elle explique avec précision la procédure.Je recommande vivement.
16:26 08 Mar 22
Excellent résultat et professionnalisme de toute l'équipe.Je recommande vivement !