Treatment of scars
Scars occur when the epidermis formed by the outer layers of the skin is damaged. During the healing process, the body forms scar tissue with collagen fibers. However, these scars can sometimes remain very visible, and a laser, LED or peel treatment can reduce their visibility. All of our scar treatments are performed at our Maison Tóā clinic, based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

What is this form of skin damage?
A scar treatment can reduce their visibility, or even eliminate them completely.
Of multiple causes and forms, scars are divided into two groups: those that involve a loss of collagen and those that generate an excess of collagen.
Among these two groups, three different classes are distinguished: atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars and keloid scars.
Hypertrophic scars
Hypertrophic scars are characterized by the formation of excess collagen during the healing phase. It remains localized on the healing area.
Keloidal scars
They are a special type of hypertrophic scars that appear when the collagen formation is beyond the edges of the original lesion. This genetic form can even appear without skin trauma.
Atrophic scars
They are caused by a loss of collagen during the healing process. They are also called “crater” scars, which give the skin a rough but shallow appearance.
What medical treatment can I consider?
Topical use of retinol or retinoid stimulates collagen production. This substance is widely used to treat acne scars by dermatologists and is known to improve skin imperfections in general. It can also be used on stretch marks. However, this substance can be highly irritating, which is why its application in high concentrations must be supervised by your doctor.
The number of treatments and the method used depend on the type of scars and their size. Our dermatologists will be happy to answer your questions and advise you on how to successfully treat your scars.
Fractional CO2 laser treatment of scars
The fractional CO2 laser works by heating the surface of the skin. It crosses through multiple microperforations of the epidermis, into the middle to deep dermis, for a global regeneration of the different layers of the skin. As the skin heals, these holes will close and lead to a smoothing of the skin, which, over several sessions, will considerably reduce scars.
Scar treatment with light therapy
LED (light-emitting diode) treatment brings light energy to the skin cells. The treatment produces different types of light waves of different colors. Each wave has a specific action depending on the type of cells it reaches. The red light, mainly used in the treatment of scars, stimulates the metabolic activity of the cells of the dermis (more particularly the fibroblasts) and favors the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which allows for an improvement on fresh stretch marks, among others. It takes 6 sessions to obtain a visible result. This method is painless and non-invasive. It is applicable on all types of skin.
Discover the light therapy treatment.
TCA peeling for the treatment of scars
The TCA peel is a medical chemical peel. Depending on the percentage of active trichloroacetic acid, it will act on the middle to deep layers of the skin with the objective of creating an epidermal exfoliation and a stimulation of the production of dermal collagen.
Scar treatment with Skinbooster
Skinbooster (microparticles of hyaluronic acid) can be injected into the superficial dermis to help atrophic scars. For a quick effect on atrophic scars such as acne scars, these injections are combined with the CO2 laser.
Tóā Signature treatments
Microneedling for scar treatment
Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a pen containing microneedles to make microperforations in the various layers of the dermis. The micro-perforations will then let penetrate active principles regenerating the epidermis, while stimulating the formation of its collagen. This treatment aims to improve skin quality and overall complexion by smoothing irregularities such as acne scars.
Discover the microneedling treatment.
Our clinic specialized in scar treatment in Lausanne, Switzerland can answer all your questions about how to reduce the visibility of scars.
Reduce scars
Cream – Laser – LED – Peeling – Injection – Microneedling
1st medical consultation reimbursed by the basic insurance
– LED : from Fr. 150.00
– CO2 laser from Fr. 500.00
– Injections: from Fr. 500.00
– Peeling: Fr. 250 per session -
Smooth skin without imperfections