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Abdominoplasty, also called tummy tuck, is a common cosmetic surgery. It consists of removing excess skin and fat located between the umbilicus and the pubis. It is the most complete tummy tuck surgery. It is often associated with liposuction to sculpt the abdomen and the flanks.

How is abdominoplasty performed?

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia in Lausanne, Switzerland. The operation lasts approximately 2 to 3 hours. Drains are placed in the patient for a period of 24 to 48 hours. Stitches are performed with absorbable materials.. The duration of hospitalization is generally two nights. Only a mini-abdominoplasty can be performed on an outpatient procedure. The patient can shower the day after the operation after the removal of the drains.

When will the results be visible?

The first results of the abdominoplasty are visible immediately. However, the final result is visible after 3 months when there is no more swelling and the tissues have softened. Healing will be complete at 1 year.

What are the follow-up of the abdominoplasty?

An abdominal compression belt is put on immediately after the operation. It must be kept in place for 1 month day and night. It can only be removed when you shower. A 2 to 4 weeks work stoppage is to be expected. No sport can be resumed before the 6th week.

What are the possible complications?

Thrombo-embolic accidents (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism) following an operation of this type, although globally quite rare, are among the most dangerous for health with this type of cosmetic surgery. Rigorous preventive measures should minimize the incidence of these problems: wearing anti-thrombosis stockings, getting up early, anti-coagulant treatments during hospitalization. 

FAQ Abdominoplasty

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about abdominoplasty. If there is still something you want to know, it is always best to ask your Tóā House plastic surgeon during your consultation so that you have all the information you need to ensure a successful result.

How much skin will be removed?

Each patient has different needs, so the removal of skin is different from patient to patient. Ultimately, the goal is to create a flatter, more toned tummy, and to achieve this, excision may be necessary, whether it is a minimal amount or a significant amount of skin.

Do I need a liposuction before an abdominoplasty?

It is not necessary. There is no hard and fast rule that requires you to have liposuction at the same time as a tummy tuck, but most patients choose to combine the two procedures into one. During your consultation, Dr. Sophie Nordback will discuss your options and create a specific plan to meet your goals. However, many patients prefer to remove excess fat in the tummy and hips through liposuction to achieve a more contoured figure.

How long is the recovery period and do I need additional help?

Recovery from abdominoplasty lasts between 7 and 14 days, depending on the extent of the procedure and whether your surgeon has performed additional procedures. Because you need to give your body time to recover and because daily tasks and activities will be difficult or impossible to perform during recovery, it is best to plan for extra help at home with your children and pets.

If I gain weight after my procedure, will it mess up my results?

Most often, any weight gain will not affect your results as long as the weight gain is minimal. However, weight gain over 10 pounds can potentially impact your results because your body can redistribute the extra fat so that the belly does not appear as flat or tight. That’s why it’s best to be as close to your ideal weight as possible before surgery. In addition, a clean, healthy diet and regular exercise are essential to maintaining your weight and a sculpted body.

How long after the operation will I be able to see the results?

Immediately after the procedure, you will probably still be swollen from edema, your final shape may not be obvious, but you may notice tighter skin. The final result should be visible after about eight weeks.

I heard that I have to wear a compression garment after the operation. How long will I have to wear it?

Wearing a compression garment after your surgery is essential for several reasons. Compression garments help reduce swelling and fluid buildup and support the abdomen, which is essential during healing. The more you wear the garment, the better. Expect to wear it for 4 weeks or more as directed by your Maison Tóā surgeon!

What will my scar look like?

The scar from an abdominoplasty extends from one hip to the other. Immediately after surgery and during the healing process, the scar will be thick and red. However, as the scar matures, it begins to smooth out. It takes one to two years for it to become a light white scar.

Contact Maison Tóā to initiate your consultation to prepare for your abdominoplasty!

Dr. Sophie nordback
Dr. Nordback

Abdominoplasty touches on personal esteem. Today, everyone can choose cosmetic surgery. My expertise will allow me to determine the right indication for this procedure and to answer all your questions. 


  • Duration


  • Hospitalization

    1 to 2 nights

  • Recovery

    Work: 2 to 4 weeks
    Sport: 6 weeks

  • Price

    From 9000.-

Maison Tóā
Based on 175 reviews
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Rojas VéroniqueRojas Véronique
15:50 18 Dec 24
Anne LaggerAnne Lagger
15:13 18 Dec 24
20:15 17 Dec 24
Sabine Giroud est super, elle prends soin de ces clientes et prends le temps de bien conseiller et a l'ecoute, merci :)
Sahra MottierSahra Mottier
15:30 17 Dec 24
Je ne recommande pas!!!Car le résultat, ça ne correspond pas à ce qu’on a discuté!Pendant le diagnostique, la doctoresse vente bien son produit. Mais par contre le résultat, ça ne correspond absolument pas à ce qu’on a discuté.Et les produits que j’ai acheté pour la maison, ça m’a rien changé.Je ne recommande pas
Nine KazNine Kaz
09:48 17 Dec 24
Je suis allée à la clinique pour plusieurs choses et j'ai toujours été satisfaite des soins donnés par la Dr. Nordback et la Dr. Koltunova.Néanmoins les secrétaires pourraient être un poil plus professionnelles lorsque des patients/es sont en salle d'attente 😅 (certains sujets de discussions entre autre... qui ne nous regardent pas vraiment)
Marjorie PidouxMarjorie Pidoux
08:55 17 Dec 24
Mariana VieiraMariana Vieira
16:55 13 Dec 24
L’équipe et les soins au top! Et la Dr.Nordback est juste Extraordinaire.🤩Je recommande vivement pour le moral.
18:56 06 Dec 24
Évidemment comme d’habitude un traitement impeccable exécuté avec le plus grand soin !
Sarah TramacereSarah Tramacere
17:18 04 Dec 24
Ema MilicevicEma Milicevic
13:22 04 Dec 24
Liana LianaLiana Liana
16:11 16 Nov 24
Je suis agréablement surprise du professionnalisme et très satisfait du personnel, j’ai été accueilli par Doctoresse Bracher Marianna qui a été agréable et très compétente. Très bonne expérience, je recommande vivement.
Lubovna MironovaLubovna Mironova
22:07 08 Oct 24
Très agréable femme ! Elle a tout expliqué de manière claire et accessible. Merci à la docteure Natalia !Femme agréable à côtoyer, je reviendrai certainement !S’il vous plaît, demandez aux filles à la réception de se moucher plus doucement 😂
Le jerryLe jerry
22:45 23 Sep 24
Très déçu et dans l’incompréhension du non professionnalisme des 3 secrétaire qui scrollent sur leur iPhone et qui parle entre elle alors qu’un client arrive.C'est une clinique parmi les plus cher de Lausanne et au prix qu’on paie on a pas le professionnalisme qui va avec , j’ai vu la Dr Alexandra MIles qui n’a fait que tirer la gueule tout au long du soin a croire qu’on la dérange mais je tient à lui rappeler que sans ses patients qui paye un prix incroyable son institut n’existerait pas donc madame MIles veuillez traiter vos patients avec la gentillesse le sourire et dites à vos secrétaires qui compte les mouches d’arrêter d’être sur leur téléphone à écrire à leur plan Q tinder …
Alessandro PianAlessandro Pian
13:56 08 Jul 24
Docteur Sophie NorbacK A été techniquement à la hauteur, j’ai beaucoup apprécié les commentaires techniques qui permettent de mieux comprendre ce qui se passe pendant l’intervention. Cette dernière s’est déroulé rapidement, avec l’assistance d’un personnel accueillant et visiblement très bien formé. Les locaux sont splendides, tout est parfait et conforme à mes attentes.
Noémie SecolaNoémie Secola
17:02 30 Mar 22
Je ne peux que vivement recommander la doctoresse Nordback et la doctoresse Miles pour leurs compétences dans leurs domaines. J’ai eu à faire à plusieurs médecins dans la région et aucun ne m’ont apporté les réponses dont je ne cherchais, ni les soins dont j’avais besoin. Je suis très contente des traitements que j’ai fait chez Maison Toa !
Olivier AnçayOlivier Ançay
21:02 29 Mar 22
La doctoresse Miles inspire confiance. Elle se montre d’excellent conseil et très impliquée dans son travail. La clinique est magnifique, facile d’accès et il y règne une grande quiétude.
Ludovina CardosoLudovina Cardoso
20:19 29 Mar 22
Je suis allé voir la doctoresse Alexandra Miles pour des taches au visage, surtout une qui était très grande, j’ai fais une séance de laser et c’est partie.Je suis absolument enchanté et je recommande la doctoresse Miles!!
Jessica EmbarekJessica Embarek
14:25 18 Mar 22
La Dre Alexandra Miles est très professionnelle et à l’écoute.Elle explique avec précision la procédure.Je recommande vivement.
16:26 08 Mar 22
Excellent résultat et professionnalisme de toute l'équipe.Je recommande vivement !